Feature Nutrition

11 Dangers of a Ketogenic Diet


4. Heart Palpitations

If you start the keto diet and experience an elevated heart rate, don’t be alarmed. This is a very common side effect. The main culprits for this symptom are dehydration and a lack of sodium. Because of this the heart is forced to blood pump more quickly in order to maintain blood pressure.

The easiest solution to this problem is to (you’ve guessed it!) increase your intake of fluids and salt. If you do this and still don’t find that it solves the problem, another culprit is an increased amount of stress hormones that is released by your body in order to maintain your blood sugar levels. Usually this increase in heart rate is only temporary and should go away on its on in a couple of weeks. (Please see below if you happen to be on diabetes medication or medication for high blood pressure).

If nothing you do seems to work, seek the advice of your doctor. Again, if you do wish to increase your carb intake to see if it lessens your heart palpitation symptoms, feel free to do so; however, you will be less likely to see results from the keto diet.

Important note if on medication for diabetes or high blood pressure


It is important to monitor your blood sugar when starting the keto diet. Also speak to your doctor about the possibility of having to change the dosage of your medication since if your diet contains less carbohydrates your body will likely need less insulin to lower your blood sugar in that it should not be as high as it was previously. If you continue to take the same amount of insulin as you did before starting the keto diet, then you will likely experience low blood pressure, which can result in heart palpitations.

High Blood Pressure

One other benefit of the keto diet is the fact that your blood pressure will likely decrease. Therefore, you should speak to your doctor before starting this diet since you may find that you do not need as much help lowering your blood pressure since your diet should help with this. If you do continue to take the same amount of blood pressure medication as you were previously, you might experience low blood pressure, which can cause you to experience heart palpitations and/or an increased pulse. If your blood pressure becomes too low, for example, less than 110/70, talk to your doctor and ask their advice.