Diseases and Conditions Nutrition

Diverticulitis Diet: Foods to Eat And Foods to Avoid


Before the 20th century, diverticular disease, or a disease of the digestive tract, was considered a rare condition. But with the turn of the century, the numbers have risen, and it is now one of the most common health issues of Western civilization. Diverticulitis, an inflammation or infection of the diverticula pouches on the intestine walls, is the most severe type of diverticular disease that has uncomfortable effects on the body that, if left untreated, pose the threat of turning into long-term health complications.

There are currently few ways to treat diverticulitis to reduce the pain caused by the condition. However, the symptoms—pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, bloody rectum or stool, and bloating—can be lessened if you understand what to eat and what not to eat during a flare up of diverticulitis.

Keep in mind that as your condition improves, your doctor will tell you to add more fibrous foods to your diet. Until the pain and other symptoms subside, you should stick to a low fiber, mainly liquid diet.