Feature Healthy Living

6 Things to Know About a Low FODMAP Diet


2. Common FODMAPs

FODMAPs are found in many day-to-day foods, so it’s important to be mindful of what to avoid while on the diet.

It can be frustrating to learn that FODMAPs can be found in most of the foods that we eat. For example, some foods high in FODMAPS include fruits like apples and watermelon since they can contain high levels of fructose and legumes/vegetables such as mushrooms and artichokes. Other foods to be avoided include legumes such as beans and lentils since they contain carbohydrates known as galactans and any fruits containing a pit like cherries and peaches as they contain polyols. Foods that should be avoided completely if possible include: garlic and onions and any of the following sweeteners: should be avoided fully if possible: sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol or maltitol.