Womens Health

Hirsutism – Unwanted Hair Growth in Women


Lifestyle and Natural Remedies

If you do not want to undergo any medical or cosmetic procedures to deal with hirsutism, you can use some self-care methods at home to help take care of excessive hair growth. Some examples include:

Plucking. Tweezing stray hairs around the brows, upper lips, and chin can be useful, but it is not recommended for large sections of body hair.

Bleaching. Instead of removing your unwanted body hair, you can get a bleach kit to remove the color of the air and make it less visible. Bleaching may cause irritation, however, so always bleach smaller areas first to make sure you can tolerate it. Bleaching may not be as effective for those with darker complexions.

Shaving. Inexpensive and effective, shaving can be a great way to control excessive hair growth. However, you will also need to shave frequently if your body hair grows back quickly.

Chemical depilatories. You will usually find chemical depilatories in lotion, cream, or gel formulations that are spread on the skin and work to breakdown the protein structure of hair, making it grow slower and be less visible. Some individuals are allergic to the ingredients in the depilatory formula. Do some research before use.