Womens Health

Hirsutism – Unwanted Hair Growth in Women



Since the hair can be difficult to get rid of, even with proper medical treatment, you may resort to certain procedures that can either reduce the presence of or remove hair entirely from parts of your body.

Procedures to remove unwanted hair include:

Electrolysis. A slim needle is stuck into the hair follicle then has an electrical current sent through it to damage and, over time, destroy the follicle. You will probably need multiple treatments. One disadvantage to electrolysis is pain. Use a numbing cream on your skin prior to treatment to reduce any discomfort.

Laser therapy. A beam of concentrated light is sent into the hair follicles to damage them and prevent future hair growth. The skin will redden and swell after laser therapy, and it may be tender to the touch. Laser therapy can also be expensive and may cause discoloration, especially in individuals with darker complexions.

Tap READ MORE below for Lifestyle and Natural Remedies of Hirsutism