Womens Health

Hirsutism – Unwanted Hair Growth in Women



The medications available for male-pattern hair growth are usually taken for a period of six months before any progress is noted. This is because hair follicles have a lifespan of six months.

Medications include the following:

Oral contraceptives. Birth control pills and other contraceptives taken orally can help balance hormones. The possible side effects of oral contraceptives include stomach pain and nausea, dizziness, and headaches.

Anti-androgens. The common anti-androgen is spironolactone (Aldactone). These drugs are designed to block androgens from attaching to the cell receptors throughout the body. Anti-androgens are usually prescribed in conjunction with oral contraceptives.

Topical cream. A prescription cream known as Vaniqa (eflornithine) was designed specifically for women with male-pattern facial hair. You apply it directly to your face, and it works to slow new growth.