Womens Health

Hirsutism – Unwanted Hair Growth in Women


Diagnosis and Treatment

If you suspect you have hirsutism or a related condition, schedule an appointment with your physician as soon as you can. Your doctor will send you for some tests, including blood tests that will measure the amount of hormones present, including testosterone and other androgens. If elevated levels of male sex hormones are found, you may be diagnosed with hirsutism, particularly if the symptoms of virilization are present.

Following the blood tests, your doctor may also ask you to get an ultrasound or CT scan to check your adrenal glands and ovaries for cysts and tumors.

In the event you are diagnosed with hirsutism or a condition that causes the condition, you will have a few treatment options. Treating hirsutism is often a combination of lifestyle changes and treating the underlying cause of the condition. Self-care modalities and therapies are also available to you.