Feature Healthy Living

Find Out Why Sore Feet Should Never Be Ignored


A Pain in the Heel

Pain in the heel is a very common foot condition. It is usually felt as some intense and sharp pain when you place some weight on the affected heel. It usually builds up slowly and gets worse with time. In many cases reported, only one heel is affected, however, estimates have suggested that a third of people with this condition have pain in both heels.

Heel pain may be an indicator of plantar fasciitis. This is a condition where the ligament that supports the foot’s arch is strained. Plantar fasciitis may be caused by wearing flip-flops too much, wearing extremely tight shoes, or wearing shoes that have no proper support. The more you apply pressure on the affected foot, the longer your heel will take to heal. In order to prevent plantar fasciitis, ensure that you always put on supportive shoes and always do some stretching before and after a vigorous exercise.