Diseases and Conditions

Common Causes of Low Back Pain


Spinal Compression Fractures

Spinal compression fractures are commonly caused by osteoporosis, or a thinning and weakening of bone. As the fracture heals, the spine may end up with kyphosis, or a hunch-like curvature of the thoracic spine, which is sometimes referred to as a “dowager’s hump.” Loss of height, sometimes as much as six inches or more, is often a clue to diagnosing spinal compression fractures.

Conservative measures treat spinal compression fractures the best, such as bed rest, pain medication, and physical therapy. Surgery is rarely needed, but some techniques include vertebroplasty (injecting concrete into the spinal fractures), balloon kyphoplasty (injecting cement into the fractures after restoring height with a balloon), and spinal fusion (joining two or more backbones together permanently for stability).