Diseases and Conditions

Common Causes of Low Back Pain


Degenerative Disc Disease

About 10-percent of all low back pain cases is a result of degenerative disc disease, or DDD. This disease is onset by normal aging and happens when the pliable discs between the vertebrae lose elasticity. As the disc loses its ability to absorb shock, the spine becomes stiff and low back pain occurs. Individuals who have DDD report periodic flare-ups that do not get worse over time.

In most cases, degenerative disc disease is treated non-invasively. Pain can be relieved with OTC medications like acetaminophen, naproxen, and ibuprofen), muscle relaxers, and other prescriptions like opiods. Sessions with a chiropractor, ultrasound, and massage can also help relieve the pain. Lastly, epidural steroid injections (ESI) and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) may be used to reduce inflammation and pain.