Around The House Healthy Living

30 Things Your Home Doesn’t Really Need


Things In The Kitchen

Bags Under The Sink

You that ominous cloud of ever-expanding plastic shopping bags and cheap totes? As frightening as it may be, you can’t ignore it forever. You don’t need to horde plastic bags these days, especially if you are trying to cut back on plastic waste. Bring them to the store to be recycled and help save the planet.

Spices Way Past Expiration

There are some things that get better with age. Spice isn’t one of them. Those spices that you bought years back during your ethnic food kick are not going to get more pungent or savory.

Mismatched Tupperware

Yes, everyone is guilty of having that one cabinet that sends an avalanche of Tupperware collected since birth out upon the floor. It doesn’t have to be that way. Get rid of plastic storage containers that have been warped from excessive use, the ones that no longer have lids that fit, or also the ones that you don’t know where they originated from.