Womens Health

The Early Signs of Menopause


Sleep Deprivation

Sleepless nights are a hallmark symptom of perimenopause. The depletion of estrogen and progesterone makes stress hormones rise, triggering the fight-or-flight response in the brain. The response means you are more alert during the evening when you would usually be tired. You might struggle to go to sleep, and you will potentially find yourself waking up in the middle of the night, suddenly wide awake. Sometimes, this restless pattern is accompanied by night sweats, hot flashes, and headaches.

Many women find relief from sleep deprivation by exercising regularly and taking melatonin supplements before their bed time to get quality shut-eye. Some will even take up practices in restorative yoga, meditation, and deep breathing practices to help the body relax before going to bed. Deep breathing, however you choose to do it, combats the sympathetic nervous system that has control over adrenaline and switches on the parasympathetic system that is on when the body is relaxed.

More relaxation means better sleep for you!