Womens Health

The Early Signs of Menopause


Weight Gain

One of the most frustrating symptoms of perimenopause is weight gain. The added weight tends of accumulate in the midsection, one of the unhealthiest areas to gain excess weight rapidly. Abdominal fat is linked with higher incidences of heart disease. Additionally, any excess fat in this region tends to be difficult to get rid of once it is there.

But why does this weight gain happen? Part of it is increased insulin resistance. Since the body is under stress, the amount of adrenaline and cortisol being produced rises as your female hormones decrease. This means that any simple carbohydrates you are reaching for as comfort has double the negative impact that it used to—and it shows. Stress hormones also block weight loss, so when paired with the fluctuations of estrogen, you have a recipe for weight gain, even when you’re trying to keep it off.

The good news is that you can combat weight gain during perimenopause by adopting a healthy, active lifestyle. By being more physically active and eating healthier foods, you can give your body the fuel it needs without gaining weight.