Healthy Living

Suffering From Dry Hands? Here Are Some Tips To Relieve The Dryness!


Avoid Too Much Hand Sanitizer

Did you know that submerging your hands in hand sanitizer and strong, industrial-strength cleansers wreaks havoc on your skin? Many of the chemicals in antibacterial formulas are harsh and will rob your skin of its natural moisture and oil. That leaves the skin feeling chapped and irritated.

The good news is that there are plenty of ways to concoct your own hand sanitizer that does double duty by also healing your hands. Simply mix 70% ethyl alcohol/ethanol with some moisturizing gel (like aloe vera). Or you look for hand sanitizers with ingredients that won’t murder your hands. Things like coconut oil, aloe vera, witch hazel, tea tree oil, and hyaluronic acid are all great for keeping your skin looking soft, supple, and healthy.