Healthy Living

Suffering From Dry Hands? Here Are Some Tips To Relieve The Dryness!


Get Plenty of Beauty Rest

Quality sleep helps with a number of things. Sleep can do more than refresh your mind but your body as well. Overnight, your body works to repair damaged skin, including your hands. You can accelerate the process by using a soothing hand mask. There are two ways to do this: make your own using cotton gloves or buying a hand mask from the store or online.

Before going to bed, grab something hydrating, like a blend of olive oil or coconut oil, honey, and aloe vera, and slather it on your hands. Avocado mixed with honey is another option. Then cover them with breathable cotton gloves. In the morning, you will be astounded by how silky soft your skin has become.

Store-bought hand masks do the same thing, but many of them come with additional ingredients and can even be made with materials that are touchscreen-friendly, so you can check social media before heading to bed.