Healthy Living

How to build muscle as age tears it down


Figure Out What Works For You

Other things that can benefit you include doing cardio such as dance aerobics or running. Cardio increases your ability to respond to insulin and limit the amount of body fat within the abdomen. If you do decide to take up running, it is suggested that you also do total body workouts at least twice a week as it decreases your chances of running related injuries. If cardio sounds like too much for you, start by walking or other light exercises.

Yoga is also a good option for those new to working out as it can increase strength and flexibility (but does not burn as many calories as other workouts). Some people swear by hot yoga but sweating more doesn’t burn any more calories. It is also ideal to perform exercises that work your entire body, and not just one isolated part such as your abs or your legs and yoga allows you to do so. And don’t forget to stretch! It can help to reduce soreness and help your body’s ability to repair torn muscle tissue.