Feature Healthy Living

Full Body Exercises for Working Out in Tight Spaces


Push-Up Variations

No matter how long you have been working out, one exercise that many struggle with is the push up, which is the ideal exercise to build up your shoulder strength as well as the strength in your pectoral muscles, back, and core. Again, never let your back arch but also don’t let it sag. Essentially a push up at its basis is lowering your body and lifting it up with your arm and shoulder muscles. It might be helpful to first perform pushups against a counter or wall to first get a hang of the motions.

Don’t worry about doing them fast or doing a lot of reps, focus on form instead. Then try them on your knees before trying a full pushup from your toes. If you are really looking for a challenge you can try travelling pushups (full pushups you perform while moving your body left and right).