Diseases and Conditions

Common Signs Of Gallbladder Problems



Dizziness is associated with very many health problems. You can feel dizzy when you have sudden drops in blood pressure, anxiety disorders, heart muscle disease, low blood volume, low blood sugar, dehydration, ear infection among many other health problems/diseases.

The distinguishing factor about dizziness caused by gallbladder problems is; the dizziness is prolonged and mostly experienced in the morning after breakfast. It is also linked to other symptoms like nausea and vomiting.

The dizziness is also distinct, i.e., feelings of slight unsteadiness on your feet. You can investigate gallbladder-related dizziness by touching your abdomen after meals (preferably after breakfast when you experience dizziness). If you experience hardness and feel like belching easily when you exert pressure on your abdomen, this is a red flag. Gallbladder problems cause poor digestion. They also cause other symptoms like dizziness and nausea experienced daily.