Achilles Tendonitis
The Achiless tendon is a piece of connective tissue that attaches to the calcaneus, or heel bone, and calf muscles. You can easily locate the tendon by touching the bony ridge at the back of your heel, ankle, and calf. Whenever you walk, jump, run, squat, or stand on the balls of the foot, you are using the Achilles tendon.
Excessive exercise is the common cause of Achilles tendonitis, but certain stressors, include improperly warming up, straining the calf muscles, quick changes in direction, wearing poorly fitting and unsupportive shoes, high heels, having bone spurs, and old age can all heighten the risk of inflaming the tendon.
Symptoms include the following:
• Discomfort at the heel
• Swelling around the calcaneus
• Limiting range of motion with dorsiflexion of the foot
• Skin around the back of the ankle and heel is hot to the touch
Achilles tendonitis is most often treated at home with RICE, anti-inflammatory medication, and going to physical therapy while wearing an ankle brace or walking boot. However, there are instances when the condition is so severe that you need more invasive treatments like platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections, steroid injections, or even surgery. Chronic tendonitis or ruptured tendons will require long-term treatments and surgery, and recovery can take a few months.
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