Healthy Living Nutrition

Beneficial Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar


Cancer Prevention

While there is not a lot of evidence to back up claims of apple cider vinegar working against cancer, previous research has shown promise. Since healthy lifestyles are key to preventing cancer, even if ACV doesn’t counteract cancer directly, being more health-conscious is advantageous in preventing cancer.

A study from 2004 found that ACV might have the ability to shrink cancer cells. Part of this hypothesis focuses on how apple cider vinegar affects the alkaline/acid balance within the human body. That is why apple cider vinegar is recommended for balancing pH. Because cancer cells thrive in acid, the thought is that reducing acidity can assist with preventing tumor growth.

More studies are taking place to see if this is true. For now, though, you should consider using ACV for alkaline/acid balance, since there are more benefits to that than just possible cancer prevention!