Diabetes Feature

8 Celebrities Who Have Spoken Out About Managing Diabetes


6. Mary Tyler Moore — Type 1

Most of you will not be surprised that Mary Tyler Moore has made our list, as her life with diabetes has been in the spotlight for the last forty years. Although diagnosed later in life at 44 years old, Moore has Type 1 diabetes; which is usually diagnosed at a much earlier age. She is also known for managing her symptoms in public, even giving herself injections while sitting around a table at a restaurant through her clothes. Unfortunately, at the age of 78, Moore had essentially no sight left. Vision problems are sadly all too common in those with diabetes.

If you would like to learn more about her experiences with diabetes, we would suggest grabbing a copy of her memoir, Growing Up Again: Life, Loves, and Oh Yeah, Diabetes which was released in 2009.

Of all of the celebrities on our list, Moore is one of the more vocal ones when it comes to helping others with the disease. One way she has done this is by sharing with others with diabetes how she has been best able to manager her own symptoms, of course acknowledging that what works for her might not work for everyone. She has also been a role model for many, as she is known for never complaining about the fact that she has diabetes.