Diseases and Conditions

Warning Signs of Heart Attacks In Men


The risk of having a heart attack increases the older you get. Knowing the symptoms of a heart attack are key, especially since heart attacks that go untreated can be fatal. According to the 2016 Heart Disease, Stroke and Research Statistics from the American Heart Association, about 750,000 people in the United States suffer from heart attacks every single year. 116,000 people die from heart attacks. Furthermore, about 550,000 Americans have their first heart attack each year, while 200,000 people have recurring heart attacks.

But that isn’t all. As a man, you have an alarmingly high chance of suffering from heart disease, stroke, and heart attack. Even with medical advancements and more people turning to healthier lifestyles, men are killed by myocardial infarction more than women. About 47% of cardiac deaths happen suddenly, outside of the hospital, because many people do not understand the early heart attack warning signs.

Obviously, no one wants to have a heart attack, and no one should have to suffer from multiple ones. However, many people are indeed at risk due to genetics, family history, and other medical conditions.

Tap READ MORE below for the symptoms to help you detect a heart attack: