Healthy Living Nutrition

The Paleo Diet In A Nutshell


Foods to Avoid

You should avoid cereal grains, refined sugar, legumes (including peanuts), dairy, processed foods, potatoes, refined vegetable oils, salt, coffee, and alcohol. Grains such as oats, barley, wheat and rice should be avoided so, no bread, cereals, pasta, crackers, bagels and granola bars.

Grains to avoid are oats, wheat, barley, and rice.

Starchy vegetables like corn, potatoes, and popcorn should also be avoided.

Beans and legumes to avoid include; peanuts, peanut butter as well as soy foods like soy milk, edamame, and tofu. You should also avoid hummus or beans of any kinds.

Dairy products to avoid include; cheese, milk, yogurt and ice cream.

High-fat meats like bologna, salami, hot dogs, ground meat, ribs and rib roast should also be avoided.

A significant component of the Paleo diet is avoiding all kinds of processed foods, sugar and salt which include; sodas, jam, syrup, honey, cakes, cookies, candy and sports drinks.

Processed foods tend to be packed with unhealthy fats (trans fats) among other processed/artificial additives. You should avoid fruit snacks, macaroni, and cheese as well as salty foods/snacks like crackers, pretzels, chips, soy sauce among other added-salt foods to avoid trans fats and chemical additives.