Feature Healthy Living

Sore Throat Remedies That Work


Use a Humidifier

As mentioned above, making sure to keep your throat nice and moist can be beneficial. Therefore, it would make sense that using a humidifier can help improve your sore throat symptoms. These machines work by spraying a mist of water into the air. Your body then absorbs this water when you breath, allowing for a moister airway and less swelling in your throat, lungs, and nasal passages.

Humidifiers can often be found at your local pharmacy or big box store. If you do not have a humidifier and would prefer not to spend the money on one, you might find that taking frequent hot showers might also do the trick. Essentially, the steam that the hot shower will create will have a similar effect. Another option is to place a towel over your head while breathing in the steam of hot water. Make sure not to place your face too close or you might end up scalding yourself.