Feature Healthy Living

Sore Throat Remedies That Work



If you have been keeping up to date at all with the news, you probably would not be surprised to learn that due to the overuse of antibiotics, many health professionals are less willing than in the past to prescribe them. The reason for this is that if an individual uses them too much or improperly, their bodies can build up resistance to them in the future and they will not be as effective.

However, the reality is that some colds will not go away unless antibiotics are used. This is usually the case if indicators of a bacterial infection are present, such as white spots, and when your sore throat worsens and gets to the point that you have strep throat. Therefore, if you believe that either of the above are true make sure to seek medical attention before starting any antibiotic regime.

It is also important to listen to your health professional’s instructions when it comes to taking antibiotics as they are prescribed intentionally. Do not stop taking them when you feel as though you are “cured” of your sore throat. Not listening to your doctor’s instructions can lead to issues including an increased chance of developing a resistance to them.