Diseases and Conditions

Signs and Symptoms of Meniere’s Disease



Though migraines are painful and unpleasant, most of the time they are a symptom that is overlooked. Multiple lifestyle and dietary choices affect your condition, including how often you get migraines and the severity of said headaches. That is why it has been challenging to find the connection between migraines and the inner ear. Yet, it is known that when you suffer from a Meniere’s disease flare up, the chance of getting a migraine also increases.

According to research, people who frequently get migraines will oftentimes develop other symptoms of Meniere’s disease faster than those who are less susceptible to migraines and headaches. The same is true for those whose family has a history of Meniere’s disease, suggesting that there is a genetic link.

It is important to keep in the mind that while Meniere’s disease may cause migraines, the pain can also stem from what is known as “migraine-associated vertigo,” or a vestibular migraine (VM). Because of that, there is a risk of misdiagnosis.