Diseases and Conditions

Signs and Symptoms of Meniere’s Disease


Hearing Loss

The thought of losing one’s hearing is frightening. Although hearing loss caused from Meniere’s disease is temporary and oftentimes in a single ear, it can be an aggravating and scary experience. Those who suffer from hearing loss because of a flare up usually describe it as having a single ear plugged. Sounds can be heard, but they are fuzzy, garbled, or distorted in some other way. Sound sensitivity is also typical.

One treatment for hearing loss and sensitivity is removing the fluid within the tubes. Removal of the fluid can be done a number of ways. Most of the time, the choice depends solely on the patient and their lifestyle. Usually, merely changing some habits, such as cutting out bloat-inducing foods, like salt and caffeine, can help.

Cutting back on alcohol can also help remove fluid from your system. Doctors also recommend drinking enough water throughout the day to rid your system of toxins. There have been some cases where some patients require surgery or hearing aids after nothing else worked. Sometimes, hearing loss can be permanent, as is one of the major complications of the disease.