Healthy Living

How to Make Friends in Your 30’s


Make a bartender friend

Bartenders are the easiest people to befriend. They have social jobs and are most likely social, so you are bound to have an easy time befriending a bartender. Simply find a local spot you like and get to know the bartender. This tip may sound weird, but you’ll get a perfect opportunity to boost your social skills. You can also make unexpected connections in the process. This tip is great when you are interested in making “hangout” friends. Your local bartender knows a lot of people. He/she can give you a good clue of the revelers you should befriend. It can take a few drinks at the bar, however, as long as you choose a lively local spot with fun and social people, this tip works wonders. If you have no idea where you should go, you can use social apps like Tinder Social that let you discover favorite local spots. You can also make friends and set up dates using the app.