Cancer Diseases and Conditions

Common Symptoms Of A Brain Tumor


Slurred Speech

Speech is heavily controlled by our brains. This organ controls how we coordinate movement of the face to enunciate words as well as the thought processes that help us to produce coherent thoughts out loud.

Speech symptoms can vary. Some people will notice that they slr words or that they develop a new stutter. In some cases, people will have trouble remembering certain words. Some masses even affect the ability of people to understand what others are saying so they can respond appropriately.

The frontal and temporal lobes handle most of the tasks associated with speech and understanding speech. If you find it is more difficult than ever to make people understand what you are thinking and intending to say, there could be a mass here.

There are two well-known speech areas in the skull called Wernicke’s area and Broca’s area. People with masses in Wernicke’s area will generally have trouble comprehending oral language while issues with Broca’s area will have trouble coordinating the muscles that produce speech.

Having trouble with speech could be a sign of tumors. It also could mean a migraine, a stroke, or a variety of cerebral disease. Going to a doctor is the first step toward identifying and treating the problem.