Cancer Diseases and Conditions

Common Symptoms Of A Brain Tumor


Nausea And Vomiting

We all have had nausea and vomiting from various causes, such as a gastrointestinal infection or pregnancy. However, when these are persistent, they may be caused by cancerous growths.

When we have increased pressure in our brains, the rest of our bodies can become very dysregulated. This results in a variety of symptoms, such as nausea and vomiting. This is particularly suspect if the symptom is not related to food or eating but rather constant. In fact, nausea associated with tumors tends to be worse when people first wake up in the morning and have an empty stomach.

If you notice your stomach is sensitive, try to calm it using normal measures such as bland foods. If these do not work and the nausea does not resolve with time, consider making a doctor’s appointment. Regardless of the root cause, no one should have to live with constant vomiting. This symptom can be life threatening if left untreated for more than a few days.