Healthy Living

Bad Health Habits that Can Ruin Your Relationship


Neglecting your physical health

There is a general saying that you must work harder to keep yourself looking as attractive as you did when you first met your partner. Your appearance most likely played a significant role in his or her decision to choose you. However, once we get comfortable dating or being with someone, we can unconsciously become complacent about our looks and can end up letting ourselves go.

If your diet is bad or you stopped exercising, you can gain excess weight or develop health conditions as a result. While your partner shouldn’t stop loving you because of this, people are visual and feel happier and more attracted to someone that cares for their appearance. No one says you have to visit the salon or go shopping for new clothes every week or skip meals to stay thin. Simple self-care routines such as practicing good physical and oral hygiene and keeping yourself groomed can work magic for your romance!