The Dark and The Light
Do you know the difference between light and dark roasts? Knowing what these levels mean can help you find the flavor profile of coffee that you like best. Light roasted beans are known to have a smoother, more preferable taste, and most drinks that are sweeter use a light roast. On the other hand, dark beans are bold, bitter, and ideal for espresso. Here’s the kicker, though: light roast beans have more caffeine because less oil is lost during the roasting process. It is also thought that the oils in coffee beans are what contains the antioxidants, too, so if you want the immunity-boosting power of coffee, you might have to drink light roasts occasionally, especially if you love the acidic bite of dark roasts.
Coffee is a fascinating topic, isn’t it? You never know what you’re going to learn over a cup o’ joe, that’s for sure. From being discovered by goats, to having the ability to keep us healthy and aging gracefully, coffee is definitely a prized beverage we can’t live without!
Do you have any other interesting tidbits about coffee that you would like to share? We’d love to hear them.
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