Shirataki Noodles
Typical noodles are a NO NO! Shirataki noodles are a better substitute since they are low in carbs. The noodles are made using konjac jam.
Besides being low in carbs, they are tasty and easy to prepare. They are packed in a liquid so preparing them is easy i.e., strain and cook until most/all the liquid has evaporated. The noodles should be served when they attain a pasta-like texture. You can top them up with a sauce and toppings. However, make sure the sauce and toppings are low on sugar. Shirataki noodles are perfect when stir-fried.
Like noodles, mayonnaise may not be at the top of the list of healthy foods to add to a diet. However, you need mayonnaise fats when you are taking a keto diet. Making salad dressings, spreads and dips using mayonnaise is a great way to excite your taste buds while staying on a diet. Try making seafood, chicken or homemade tuna salad using mayonnaise and add some celery as a fast snaking option when you have a hard time finding a tasty snack that meets your dietary requirements.
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