Healthy Living Nutrition

21 Foods You’ll Enjoy Eating On The Ketogenic Diet


Unbreaded Chicken Wings

Although unbreaded chicken wings may not be the healthiest food option out there, they can be ordered from any restaurant. They are by far the healthiest food you can get in a fast food restaurant. Unbreaded chicken wings are also a great substitute for the typical steak salad. While at it, avoid the typical bbq sauces and choose some hot sauce instead.


Choosing fish as your preferred meat has many benefits. Besides being rich in nutrients, fish such as salmon is packed with healthy fats bound to keep you sustained. Fish is also rich in protein. It is also tasty. Fish is the one healthy meal everyone looks forward to. To get the best out of your keto diet, pair fish with vegetables and sauces like hollandaise which offer an extra dose of healthy fats. Pistachios crusted oven-backed or grilled fillet is an excellent choice. Since there are very many fish varieties and countless ways of serving fish, you’ll never get bored.