Feature Healthy Living

20 Healthy House Cleaning Hacks Everyone Should Know


Unless you are one of the few people in this world who actually enjoys cleaning, there are probably lots of other things you’d rather do instead. At Things Health we are no exception and so we are constantly looking for ways to spend less time cleaning and more time enjoying life. Below we’ve assembled a collection of 20 amazing cleaning hacks (and a few bonus tips) that everyone should know. These cleaning secrets will help you keep your house, apartment, condominium, truck, car, boat or trailer in tip top shape with a fraction of the effort! Please let us know on Facebook and in the comment section below any cleaning upgrades that you think we should not live without!

Clean Blinds

Use an old sock over your hand and fill a bowl with equal parts warm water and vinegar. Dip your hand into the solution and wipe all the dust off the blinds. Just keep rinsing the sock in the solution as it gets dirty.

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