Diseases and Conditions Feature

15 Heartburn Trigger Foods: Control Acid Reflux


8. Coffee

Coffee is another drink that can lead to heartburn. This is because not only is it highly acidic, but because it is high in caffeine which also relaxes the esophageal sphincter. The issue with opting for decaf is that it is as acidic as regular, caffeinated coffee. So, like with citrus fruits, if you insist on your morning coffee leave it at that; don’t sip java all day.

9. Cheese

We know that many of you likely were hoping that cheese would not make our list. However, unfortunately for heartburn sufferers, cheese is high in fat, which as we mentioned before can prolong digestion and allow for the leaking of stomach acid into the esophagus. Cheeses with the highest fat content include cheddar, Stilton, and Parmesan. If you have a hankering for cheese, opt for a lower fat cheese like ricotta or a low fat option of your favourite cheese like low fat Gouda. Anything made with cheese is usually also high in fat, like macaroni and cheese as butter and cream are often used in the making of the sauce.