Healthy Living

10 Small Habits That Will Have A Huge Return On Your Life


Do full body workouts at least 3 times a week.

Full body means weight training, also called resistance training or strength training. This does not imply having to go lift heavy weights, merely weight-bearing exercises. The main benefits include increased lean body mass, more energy throughout the day, better sleep, improved bone density, and so on.

A full body workout focuses on the entire body instead of isolating specific regions. That means doing exercises like squats, deadlifts, push ups, planks, lunges, and so on. In order to see results, you have to commit, though. Work on strength at least 3 times a week to start seeing a physical transformation.

There is another reason to get some exercise: Even just 10 minutes of physical activity releases a neurotransmitter called GABA. It is known for making your brain feel calmer, so you are more in control of impulses.