Cancer Feature

10 Common Symptoms of Early Stage Cancer


Pain and Tiredness

There are a myriad of reasons why we might feel fatigued. We might not have gotten enough sleep or we might be adapting to a new schedule. However, unexplained fatigue is also one of the most common signs of cancer. So, if you seem to be tired no matter how much you sleep, we suggest speaking about it to your doctor so that they can do appropriate tests. According to the American Cancer Society, extreme fatigue is most common with leukemia. Sometimes, when cancer spreads (also known as metastasis) it can cause pain. Although unexplained pain can be symptomatic of a variety of health issues, it is important to seek medical help if you experience pain that seems to have come out of nowhere.

For example, back pain that persist is common in those individuals who have spinal cancer. In contrast to normal back pain, such as a pulled back muscle, back pain caused by cancer is better described as tenderness or a pain emanating from deep within the bones. Those with the following types of cancer are more likely to suffer from back pain: colon, prostate, ovaries and rectum. The reason for this is due to the fact that these types of cancers are the most likely to spread to the bones.