Healthy Living Nutrition

When You Should Avoid The Ketogenic Diet: Keto Isn’t For Everyone


If You Have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Certain high fat foods such as meat are harder to metabolize than foods low in fat such as vegetables. Therefore, it should be no surprise to learn that if someone on the Keto diet has a high intake of meat and other foods high in natural fats they may not be able to digest certain foods as easily as they would be able to if their diet consisted of low fat foods. Moreover, having a diet that consists of a high amount of fatty foods can also make a person tired since their digestive system is required to work in overdrive. In addition, foods like fruits and veggies provide the body with natural energy and cutting them out of your diet can limit the amount of natural energy the body gets. Plant based foods also help the body to eliminate toxins as they work as natural detoxification agents and as a result provide the body with more energy.