Diseases and Conditions Feature

Warning Signs That You Might Have Heart Issues



We might not like to admit it, but snoring is something that we all do (or at least the majority of us do); this it totally normal, especially after a particularly long day or a night out drinking. Snoring, however, is problematic when it is loud and sounds like gasping or choking which are both symptoms of a serious sleep condition called sleep apnea. Those suffering from sleep apnea cease breathing for seconds at a time throughout the night. This lack of oxygen causes the heart to work extra hard.

If you have reason to believe that you have sleep apnea, inform your doctor as sleep apnea is usually diagnosed via a sleep study where you sleep in a lab hooked up to heart rate and other monitors. The only real solution to sleep apnea is using what is called a CPAP machine, which allows you to breath while sleeping (which believe it or not is super important).