Healthy Living

Tips For Raising The Best Kids Ever


Be Present

We are often faced with demands aside from parenting. These days most families have two working parents. It is important to not only provide your child with a good role model and with love, but your time is invaluable. Even if you have a busy schedule, make sure to schedule time one on one with your child/children. This can be as simple as making sure to set aside 20 minutes before time for reading a story or helping them with their homework. This also means to give them your full attention. It is one thing to be in the same room with your child/children while on your phone or computer and it is another to be fully present with your child/children. Trust us, you won’t regret it. You will look back at this time and wish you had more of it. Think about it, have you ever heard of anyone complaining that they spent too much time with their kid(s)? Probably not.