Healthy Living

Things You’ll Never Have To Ask For In A Healthy Relationship


Me Time

Healthy relationships respect boundaries. Having some “me time” allows the both of you to do the things you enjoy without having to worry about someone else. You should have time to be you in your truest sense, and we’re only ever that when we are alone. During these moments, you can focus on your personal and professional life then come back to the relationship rejuvenated.

Johnathan Bennett, a relationship and dating expert from Double Trust Dating says, “In a healthy relationship, you should never have to ask for a chance to spend time by yourself…your partner should understand that spending some time apart is both healthy and normal.”

Having a willingness to spend time apart or with your own groups of friends, doing things on your own, shows that you both trust one another and are still individuals. If you feel secure enough to act alone, then you have a healthy relationship.