Naturally Sweet and Satisfying Foods
Gout is often associated with metabolic syndrome and diabetes—conditions that occur because of regular sugar overload. Therefore, gout and sugar also have a poor relationship. Too much sugar will raise uric acid levels and even hinder the kidneys’ ability to filter it out.
A study conducted by the Boston University School of Medicine concluded that sugar intake had a significant impact of the frequency and severity of gout flare ups. For example, the study found that men who drink 6 soft drinks a week had a 29-percent higher risk of getting gout. Those who drank 2 or more soft drinks a day had an 85-percent higher risk. What does soda have in it? Sugar. More commonly, high fructose corn syrup.
There is nothing wrong with having fruits and vegetables that have a natural balance of sugar and fiber, along with other antioxidants and nutrients to fight inflammation. However, you are going to want to limit your intake of simple sugars like fructose and sucralose from packaged snacks, deli meats, and processed meals.
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