Diseases and Conditions Feature

Signs, Symptoms and Risk Factors of Lupus


Other Infections

Individuals with lupus often experience other infections and complications that are associated with said infections. The reason for this is the fact that people with lupus have a compromised immune system due to the disease itself and also the medication used to treat lupus. The list of infections that those with lupus often have often affect the respiratory tract, the skin, and the urinary tract.

Due to the fact that lupus is considered to be an autoimmune disease, if an individual with it has another infection is can cause a lupus flare. This is problematic since the body is fighting off an infection as it is so the additional need to fight off another infection will wreak even more havoc, which makes it even more difficult for those with lupus to fight these infections. It is a vicious cycle as the already weak immune system is further weakened, which can cause another flare up.