Diseases and Conditions Feature

Signs Of Poor Health That Should Not Be Ignored


An Inability to Sleep Well

Almost everyone ends up not able to sleep at one time or another. This common inconvenience in life may sometimes be a sign of a larger problem. It turns out that sleep is heavily regulated by cortisol, adrenaline, and other hormones in the body. When these hormones are high, you feel too alert to sleep.

This means that those with chronic sleeplessness are often dealing with a hormonal issue. Being frequently stressed out and upset can cause even more spikes in cortisol and adrenaline, so emotional issues may further exacerbate the insomnia. Fortunately, insomnia is a little easier to solve than some of the other problems on this list. Many people find it helpful to practice mediation, massage, therapy, and other methods of destressing. It is also useful to avoid electronics before bed, only use the bed for sleeping, and always sleep and wake up at the same time.