Diseases and Conditions Feature

Signs Of Poor Health That Should Not Be Ignored


A Short Head

The shape of your head does more than just affect the type of hats you can wear. Your skull’s shape actually has a very high effect on your risk of developing sleep apnea. This occurs because people with a wide, short head tend to have shorter airways. Shorter airways are more easily obstructed, so while you sleep, you can end up with a blocked airway. People with sleep apnea tend to breathe in gasps and snore while sleeping, and all the unrest makes them feel foggy, sleepy, and grumpy once they wake up.

Of course there is nothing you can do to change the shape of your head, but it is good to be aware of your increased risk. If you have a short, round head and notice that you feel sleepy even after a night of rest, you might want to talk to your doctor about doing some tests for sleep apnea.