Diseases and Conditions Feature

Signs Of Poor Health That Should Not Be Ignored


Unexplained Weight Loss

Though many people work hard to lose weight, others find that they suddenly seem to lose weight without even meaning too. It might be exciting if you suddenly start dropping pounds without having to exercise or eat less food, but it is not always a good thing. Losing more than ten pounds without modifying your exercise or diet is actually a cause for concern.

Unintentional weight loss is often a sign of cancer. It happens because the cancer cells use up the energy in the body, making the rest of the body lose weight. Cancers of the gastrointestinal system, such as stomach cancer, esophageal cancer, and pancreatic cancer, are particularly likely to cause weight loss, but blood and lung cancers can also cause weight loss. Weight loss can also be a sign of diabetes, hyperthyroidism, and other metabolic disorders.