Diseases and Conditions

Signs and Symptoms of Meniere’s Disease


Uncontrolled Eye Movements

While most people would not associate uncontrollable movements of the eye as a sign of an inner ear problem, it is indeed a symptom of Meniere’s disease. Patients have reported that their eyes might jerk up or down, left or right, or in a circular motion. The movements depend on the individual and the severity of the flare up.

Uncontrolled eye movements are the result of a lack of balance. When you cannot balance, your eyes move to compensate. That is why many tests for Meniere’s disease include checking eye response during balance shifts.

For those who experience uncontrolled eye movements and other symptoms of Meniere’s disease, driving or operating machinery often becomes out of the question. Since there is no way to predict when a flare up may occur, it is best to desist with driving and other activities until treatment has begun.