Diseases and Conditions

Morgellons Disease: What it is and how to cope with the symptoms


How is Morgellons disease treated?

Despite the thousands of cases of Morgellons that have been reported, the lack of dedicated research and the skewed perspectives of the medical community have lead to treatment being more complicated than it should be. Depending on the medical professional you see, the treatment for Morgellons disease might go in one of two directions.

First, if you first a doctor who believes that Morgellons is caused by an infection from a tick bite, you will be prescribed several different antibiotics. The aim is the kill the infection and heal the skin lesions. Those who have depression or anxiety or other psychiatric disorders may be simultaneously placed on antipsychotic medicine or antidepressants. Patients may also have to attend psychotherapy sessions.

Should your doctor feel that Morgellons is a mental health issue, you will be placed on psychiatric medications immediately.

Understandably, most individuals will not agree with the second opinion. Being placed on antipsychotic drugs when you believe you have a skin infection can be debilitating. You might become confused, disillusioned, and even angry, because you believe that you aren’t being listened to by medical practitioners. This can worsen your condition and even cause additional symptoms.

In order to get the best treatment possible, find a doctor who will listen to your symptoms and help you rule out any other underlying conditions that could be causing the itching, burning, and lesions. You may have to get several second opinions to help you make your decision.