Diseases and Conditions Feature

10 Effective Ways to Prevent and Cure Heartburn


4. Sleep With Your Head Elevated

If you make sure to listen to #2 on our list and make sure not to eat at least four hours before sleeping, a next step is to try to sleep with your head elevated, even if it is just a few inches. This also goes back to what we mentioned earlier about digestion and gravity and will lessen the pressure put on your LES (your lower esophageal sphincter, which is where your esophagus connects to your stomach.)

Don’t worry, we don’t mean that you need to sit upright in a chair. Even propping your head up with a few pillows will ensure that your head is higher than your stomach. Although it might take some time for you to get used to sleeping in this somewhat awkward position, it should only take a few nights of sleeping this way for you to get used to it.